Sunday, December 19, 2010

Dynamic Variables

Hello there!  It's been awhile, but I haven't forgotten about my blog quite yet.  Now that the fall semester is over I have a few weeks off to catch my breath and get ready for my final semester I feel it is a good idea to get back in the swing of things.  In May, if all goes well, I will graduate with my BS in CS!  It feels like I have been working towards this goal for a LONG time but it's finally getting close.

This spring I have three classes that I am taking: Operating Systems, Analysis of Algorithms, and a science class on meteorology.  I look at this semester as a final turning point.  In addition to taking three classes, I will be teaching four classes.  I am pretty excited about this and I hope that I do them all justice.  I love teaching and I still feel as excited about it as I did two and a half years ago when I was preparing my first lecture.  Teaching four classes is a little daunting (it's like twice what I normally teach) but I am looking forward to the challenge.

Life is pretty good right now overall.  My job is good, Trinity is doing really well, and I feel pretty happy.  A few months ago I wasn't feeling so content, but after quite a bit of thinking I was able to figure out what I needed to do.  Once the choice was made, it was like a huge weight had been removed.  All I needed to do was make it happen.  And making things happen is something I can do.  I rarely fail when I know what I need to do.  It feels great to be on track again and I am really stoked about moving out on my own (FINALLY!!!!).  I have come to believe that you have to take ownership of your future.  I can't expect other people to make choices for me, it's my life to live and I have to decide what I want and follow through with the decisions. 

There are other exciting things going on in my life but I don't want to talk to much about that here.  Maybe when I come back for my New Year's post!

Well that is all for now, I promise to be back before 2011!


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