Sunday, October 10, 2010

Trepidation and Anxiety

Well. after that brief intermission and about a two or three month break I am back to poor my thoughts and dreams into this poor excuse for a blog.  I am overly tired after having a marathon reading of a book called The Bermudez Triangle.  More on that later, but a warning that this post might be a bit disconnected and strange.  You have been warned.

Life is pretty good, or at least it seems that way right now.  But I can't seem to shake this feeling of impending doom.  My life has been moving in a decent direction for a long time now and I am just not sure if I can continue this pace.  Sort of like a train that is running all out and suddenly the tracks are gone and in their place there is a wall.

I am trying to decide if this somehow relates to school and my job.  I will (hopefully) graduate with my Bachelor's degree after the spring semester.  But what do I do next?  Do I go on to grad school?  Do I try to find a job in the field?  Do I try to extend my current part time teaching job into something more full time?  After finishing my AAS, I knew I had to get  a BS but now the choice is less clear to me.  And frankly some of the effects scare me.  Am I smart enough to attempt to work towards a PhD?  Do I have what it takes?  I realize that this is all part of being an adult but it still scares me a bit.

I also miss having time to do things that are not job or school related.  I have never had a huge group of friends (like less than 10) but the group just seems to get smaller and smaller over the years as we all move into our various lives.  I have my daughter who I love more than anything else in my life.  Some friends have moved away, others have gone off for second shots at college.  Again, all part of life I know, but it still feels lonely.  The few friends I have left in the area where I live almost all live together.  I feel more apart from the group than I ever did before.

Maybe I am just being all boo hoo about having to make a decision about what I want to do in life and this feeling is just ... fear of making a big decision.  I haven't really every considered anything this much.  I just sort of think about things a bit, analyze all of the outcomes, and pick one path.  I did that with Ivy Tech, I did that with IUSB, and other parts of my life.  But I feel very unsure at this point in my life.

The real crux of the matter is that this is not me.  I don't worry about things like this.  I don't fret about decisions and fear making a choice.  And I think that is what scares me most.  I can't just make a decision about this and move on.  And that leaves a huge amount of uncertainty in my life which I think makes me feel like I have my own personal spectre only just a few steps behind me ...

Well, writing this blog didn't particularly help me sort anything out but it did make me tired enough to go to sleep.  I will try to post more, it might help me think everything through.

Nite all,

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