Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Places Where I Study

Well currently I am sitting at Barnes and Noble using there lovely free wireless.  I find myself here about three times per week, sometimes more.  Something about bookstores really gets me in a good mood.  I love the smell of books (and also the smell of the Starbucks!) because it just feels right to me.  I always imagined that someday I would own a house that would have a library.  Just a room where I could keep all of my books on shelves and that would smell like a bookstore.  I find it very relaxing and it allows me to focus on what I need to do.

Today I have classes until 4:00 PM and then I have to head back to Ivy Tech to work.  I really enjoy my job at Ivy Tech and I am always glad to be there.  I am not sure if most people feel that way about there job.  I feel very lucky to have a job that I never really dread going to and in most casses I actually look forward to being there.  I have never really had a good idea of what I wanted to do, this job sort of fell into my lap and I have been very grateful for that particular piece of luck ever since.

I suppose one huge difference between my life now and my life before is that overall I am happy.  I think I have finally achieved some degree of balance and stability in my life which has made things much easier for me.

Today I have a test in my M260 class which is a math class that covers probability.  I am not sure how I feel about this class so far but it hasn't been too bad.  Some of it seems pretty inexact as I have a hard time determining what the question is asking.  I have been doing ok on the homework but the second quiz was kind of hard.  I really hope the first test goes better than the quiz did.

Perhaps I should get back to studying.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Second Flight

Hey there!

Welcome to my blog, I hope you aren't totally bored reading my rather uninteresting thoughts and ramblings. I used to blog over at Livejournal ( but after that died out I lost my blogging spirit. I feel like being a little introspective and also sharing some of what I am currently doing, reading, or just playing around with so I decided to dip back into the wonderful world of blogging!

I suppose it would be natural to give a little introduction in case you aren't someone who knows me in real life. My name is Matthew and I prefer to be called Matthew not Matt. I don't make a huge stink about it but I suppose as I have gotten older I just prefer it. Speaking of age I am 26 years old at this point and also I attend college. I have an Associate's Degree from Ivy Tech Community College in Computer Information Systems and I am working on my Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science with a minor in Political Science. I have a lovely 5 year old daughter who has given me so much inspiration and really helped drive me back to a productive path in life. I feel very blessed for having all of the advantages I do, and I work very hard to deserve them.

One major goal for this blog is to talk about the books I am currently reading or have recently read. I am an avid reader and I feel my tastes in books are rather diverse though I suppose I lean towards fantasy and science fiction over other genres but I do read other types as well. I tend to reread books a lot as well. I just finished a series and am going to jump right back in to that series from the first book and read it again just because I liked it so much and I hope to pick up on things I missed before. That is one thing about reading that I just love. You can reread most books and pick things out that you didn't see the first time.

In addition to this little blog I also seem to have accounts through a few other place like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and maybe a few others. I might get around to linking to those at some point in case anybody wants to read that though I really don't keep them updated very much. I intend to write in this blog at least once a week.

Well, that seems decent for an opening post so I will say good bye for now!


PS - Syffin is the name of a character I played in an online game called Everquest. It has become my online persona so while I don't actively play online games much anymore it just seems natural to use that name rather than make up a different one or use my full real name. For those of you who know about Everquest, Syffin was a halfling druid in the guild Tuatha de Danann on the Tribunal server.