Friday, January 22, 2010

The Grey Spiral

Fail.  Epic Fail.  As much as I enjoy blogging I find it hard to make myself do it.  Perhaps with my new computer setup I will be able to keep up with it more.  I have been Twittering though or tweeting or whatever the heck the correct verb is for that.  If you are interested: Syffin's Twitter.  Not that much is on there that is worth while mostly just blah blah blah.

I can't decide what I want to blog about tonight, so many things have been staking out little spots in my brain recently.  First off I suppose I should mention the earthquake in Haiti.  In fact I am watching the Hope for Haiti Now special.  I find that as I have been watching coverage of this on CNN and other news stations I have been just blown away by some of the footage.  How does one reconcile the images that have been shown with one's own life experiences?  I can't fathom what it must be like to be in a situation like that.  I don't really have words to describe it.  The whole scene in Haiti is just unimaginable and indescribable.  The only thing we can really do is donate money and to this cause and I have certainly done that.  In addition they have some really great music on the Hope for Haiti special and you can get it from Itunes for like 8 bucks.  Apple and all of the artists are donating all there portions of the sale of the album to the Hope for Haiti charity which covers a lot of different charities like the Red Cross, UNICEF, and the United Nation World Food Programme.

When I sit here at my desk and think of all that I have going for me in my life and then think about what people in Haiti are going through I just wish I could do more than donate a small amount of money.  I am pretty poor but even given that fact I still have more than I need and I certainly don't know what its like to need water or food.  I can only imagine that if something like that happened to me or my family then I would have to rely on my faith that everything happens for a reason.  I would have to believe that there was a point to it all.

The funny is that not even two years ago I wouldn't have cared enough to donate money or even follow this on the news.  I just never considered what it is like for other people.  I guess I have changed a lot and while I think in this regard it is for the better on the other hand I find it makes it harder to deal with other things.  Sometimes I feel like I am on the edge and I have a lot of emotion that wants to get out but I don't know how to express it.  I have always been very emotionally muted but I find as I get older I have a harder time keeping that view.  Sometimes I get misty-eyed just watching a movie or TV.  Sometimes even in a book.

Speaking of books I have not done a good job of keeping my book list updated on the side there.  I have read a few more books since the last update and in fact I think I will just read what I have read since October:

City of Bones
City of Ashes
City of Glass
The Summoning
The Awakening
Vampire Academy
Shadow Kiss
Blood Promise
Blue Moon
The Lightning Thief
The Sea of Monsters
The Titan's Curse
The Battle of the Labyrinth
The Last Olympian
Strange Angels
Blue Bloods
Ghost Ocean
Zoe's Tale
Old Man's War
Ghost Brigades

A short list.  33 books.  I will say that almost all of those books are YA books.  For some reason I have had an interest in YA books specifically supernatural or dark powers types of stories staring female lead characters.  This of course matches my taste in anime as well.  Not sure what that means about me (or maybe I do and don't want to admit it =) ).  In any case I think that is a good enough post for now.  I have Stranded (Haiti Mon Amour) on repeat and I feel like I need a drink.  Tonight feels like a good night for reflection.

I will hopefully post more soon.  Perhaps something about my thoughts on the current US political situation or the recent SCOTUS decision.  Of course school and my life also can make interesting posts so we will have to see.  Plus I haven't mentioned how good looking Richelle Mead is on here yet either.  It's kind of silly to have crush on an author =)  Oh also I want to talk about the whole Grey Spiral thing, it is kind of interesting in a very depressing sort of way.  In any case Jack Daniels and I have an appointment with a Cherry Coke so I better plug this off here.

I will post again soon, I hope that if you read all the way down to here you have considered donating something to the Haiti relief effort, it's really something worth doing and every little bit helps.
